Youth Learning
Youth Programming
Welcome to our new Youth Education program 2024-25!
We are looking forward to starting off the school year at the end of August.
Lots of options to create meaningful learning for your child(ren) and family! Sunday morning core programming and afternoon extras; Wednesday afternoon Hebrew; teen classes; family Shabbat dinners and experiential learning days...we've got something for everyone!
Because fun happens outside Boulder, too!
Our kids love to go on the road, meet peers in other communities, and visit the Jewish world outside Boulder. We’ve got those opportunities covered. Trips are not included in tuition. Additional costs apply.
In previous years, trips during the school year have included:
Middle School Retreat — a weekend of fun and growth in the mountains.
Tube and Tub — Head to the mountains with your friends and our youth staff. Spend the day speeding down the slope before soaking and laughing in a hot tub.
Regional Youth Group Trips - Travel to meet teens from our NFTY region.
Trip to the Religious Action Center in Washington DC — Our 10th graders speak their minds and values to our representatives in Congress. The confirmation class visits the Capitol to celebrate, learn, apply our Jewish values to current issues, and lobby our Congressional representatives for change.
Social Justice trip — Our high school juniors and seniors visit the South to explore the history of civil rights and why Jews have been on the forefront of civil rights campaigns.
Summer Camp:
Fun, friends, food … outdoors, with cool counselors, and new challenges. Summer camp just might be the highlight of every camper’s year. Choose the camp that’s right for your child.
Israel Trips:
Where better to explore Judaism and learn about yourself and your feelings about your Judaism than Israel? And there are lots of ways to get there:
Joyce Zeff Israel Study Tour (IST): a five-week summer trip to Poland and Israel following 11th grade for Denver and Boulder area teens. Students have chances to meet before the trip to learn and meet one another.
Yallah! Israel draws participants from across the Reform movement to learn and connect and offers specialty programs focused on sports, science, adventure, or community service.
Chalutzim Baaretz speak and hear Hebrew to build their language skills during their trip to Israel.
Heller High immerses high school students in the life, culture, history and people of Israel during a semester abroad, all while earning high school credit.
And more - just ask us....
What Jewish journey would be complete without Hebrew?
Because it's easier to learn to read Hebrew when you already know some words, we weave Hebrew into all of our programs organically so kids and families hear, experience and feel comfortable with the language. Hebrew is everywhere in all that we do, a part of the vocabulary and fabric of Jewish life.
Want to learn more or prepare for bet mitzvah? We offer individualized options to build on the foundation created in all of our programs. We pair your child one-on-one with a mentor who helps your child to learn to read Hebrew, chant Torah and Haftarah, and guides them through this part of their Jewish journey. This process begins in the 5th grade.
The Fine Print
These guidelines help us protect the well-being, health and safety of all our families:
We love all family configurations and backgrounds. When parents are divorced, we send all communications to both parents as long as both have custody rights.
For everyone’s safety, we require all children to have received all immunizations required by the state of Colorado. We allow medical exemptions, of course, but the Reform Movement’s unequivocal support for vaccination means we don’t accept religious exemptions.
In case of inclement weather, we’ll let you know by email, Facebook posts and the like.
And we do supervise teen behavior: We expect our teens to treat themselves and one another with respect, kindness and a willingness to include everyone. No drinking, smoking, sexual misconduct or other inappropriate behavior. When someone misbehaves, we talk about t’shuvah (repentance) and work to find a way forward.
Wednesday ,
AprApril 2 , 20253rd-5th grade: Let's Learn Hebrew & Conversation!
Wednesday, Apr 2nd 4:15p to 5:45p
This class will be a combination of learning the Alef-Bet and basic Conversation with our incredible Hebrew teacher, Shira. We will be revisting and continuing with our Alef-bet learning and moving on to basic Hebrew conversation! -
Wednesday ,
AprApril 2 , 20258-12th Grade Classes
Wednesday, Apr 2nd 6:15p to 8:15p
Friday ,
AprApril 4 , 2025Tot Shabbat
Friday, Apr 4th 5:00p to 5:45p
Grab a spot, pull your (grand)kid into your lap, and settle in for a joyful celebration of Shabbat. We’ll sing songs, share stories, light the candles, and say the blessings as we come together to honor Shabbat. It’s a wonderful opportunity to learn traditions you can take home and continue your family’s Jewish journey. This gathering is designed for families with young children (up to 8 years old), offering a warm introduction to the Jewish community and its traditions. Our goal is to help you connect with other young families and create meaningful experiences along your Jewish journey. -
Friday ,
AprApril 4 , 2025BTY Goes Bowling
Friday, Apr 4th 6:00p to 8:15p
I am so excited to have BTY join me at the Connect for a spiritual night of fun and bonding. We will be praying, socializing, eating, and bowling in Boulder. Join BTY on April 4th for a night of excitement! We will have a BTY Shabbat service at a private room at the Connect. We will be partaking in candle lighting, motzi, and kiddish. This will be in a private space on the Boulder campus (near the connect) to ensure the safety of our teens. -
Sunday ,
AprApril 6 , 2025Traditional Sunday Classes - Kindergarten - 7th grades
Sunday, Apr 6th 9:30a to 12:00p
Sunday ,
AprApril 6 , 2025MASA Family Day
Sunday, Apr 6th 9:30a to 12:00p
Sunday ,
AprApril 6 , 20254th Grade Family Day
Sunday, Apr 6th 10:00a to 12:00p
Sunday ,
AprApril 6 , 20253rd-5th grade Lunch and Learn Hebrew
Sunday, Apr 6th 12:00p to 1:30p
This class provides an opportunity for your 5th grader to learn Hebrew basics while bonding with a small group of age level peers. We will meet on Sundays after our Traditional Sunday School at noon, have some lunch together, then have fun learning Hebrew! If you enroll in this class you have the option of postponing your child’s individualized mentor experience until next year (6th grade). Time: 12:00 - 1:30 on Traditional Sundays (lunch included) -
Sunday ,
AprApril 6 , 2025Youth Choir
Sunday, Apr 6th 12:00p to 1:30p
Does your child love to sing? If so, we would love to have them join our Har HaShem Youth Choir. The choir will be directed by Hannah Rosenblume with Cantor Devorah Avery and will meet on Sunday after Sunday School (Traditional & Experiential Days) from 12-1:30 and includes lunch. After a semester of rehearsals, the Youth Choir will share their musical gifts with the community. The Youth Choir will sing at Shabbat services on May 2, and also on the last day of Sunday School on May 4th during T'filah (prayer). GRADES: 2-5th Grade DATES: 1/26, 2/2, 2/9, 2/23, 3/2, 3/9, 3/16, 4/6, 4/27 CONCERTS: 5/2 (Friday night service: 6pm) & 5/4 (Sunday School T'filah: 9:30) TIME: 12-1:30 - lunch included WHERE: Lunch in the Social Hall, and choir practice in the Sanctuary COST: $36 (which covers the cost of lunch for the semester) -
Sunday ,
AprApril 6 , 2025JYG Candy Seder
Sunday, Apr 6th 12:00p to 1:30p
Mon, March 24 2025
24 Adar 5785
Today's Calendar
: 11:00am |
: 6:00pm |
Shiva Minyan for Alyssa Frank-Martin : 6:30pm |
: 7:00pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Mar 24 |
Mar 24 |
Mar 24 Shiva Minyan for Alyssa Frank-Martin Monday, Mar 24 6:30pm |
Mar 24 |
Mar 26 Wednesday, Mar 26 12:00pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parashat P'kudei
Shabbat, Mar 29 |
Erev Passover
Shabbat, Apr 12 |
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