Wednesday Programs
Hebrew Classes
Let's Learn Hebrew
Level 1
Wednesdays, 4:15-5:45pm
Wednesdays, 4:15-5:45pm
Let's start learning Hebrew! This class will focus on identifying letters, de-coding words, and basic speaking and reading skills. Gearing up for Bet Mitzvah has never been more fun!
Grades & Costs:
Grades 3-5 |$600 $300 members, $700 $350 non-members
Grades 3-5 |
Conversational Hebrew
Level 2
Wednesdays, 4:15-5:45pm
Wednesdays, 4:15-5:45pm
This class is a continuation of last year's Wednesday Let's Learn Hebrew with Shira. We will be learning basic Hebrew conversation together this year! Your child must have a functional level of de-coding and have finished our Wednesday Hebrew 1 class, Sunday Hebrew levels 1 & 1.5, or completed a personal assessment with Samara. Please reach out to Karli ( with any questions.
Grades & Costs:
Grades 3-5 |$600 $300 members, $700 $350 non-members
Grades 3-5 |
Teen Classes
8th/9th Grades Seminar
Holocaust, Jewish Memory, and Me
Wednesdays, 6:15-8:15pm
Wednesdays, 6:15-8:15pm
We are teaching about the Holocaust to our young teens to empower our students to “strive to be human.” This workshop will be much more than learning facts about Holocaust. It will be a sensitive learning experience to help Jewish teens develop connections to and ownership of collective memory, develop ethical ideas and compassionate understanding about human choices, and learn how to take those memories and ethics and use it to help develop their own lives, and the lives of their community, through thoughtful choices and deliberate actions.
$1000 $500, members and non-members
includes dinner
includes dinner
10th grade confirmation
Wednesdays, 6:15-8:15pm
Our tenth graders are coming into their own, thinking about their futures, testing boundaries and exploring their identities. It's a time and place to explore their feelings and experiences with Jewish community, values, and wisdom. They'll wrestle with the challenging stuff now that they're really ready for it! In the spring, students go to Washington D.C., along with dozens of other confirmation classes, to participate in the L’taken Social Justice Seminar, sponsored by the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (Friday-Monday, February 23-26). At the end of the weekend, they will head to Capitol Hill to lobby their representatives in Congress. At the end of the year, the cohort leads a Saturday morning service in which they share their opinions and commitments, confirming who they are as Jews.
11th/12th Grades Seminar
Wednesdays, 6:15-8:15pm
Our 11th and 12th grade curriculum offers practical ways for teens to become their “best selves” through the spiritual practice of Mussar. With the goal of creating a deeper connection to Judaism, we will be helping our learners find meaning and purpose by navigating life choices in healthy ways that reflect Jewish values. Using practical Jewish wisdom, facilitated discussions, and a focus on social, emotional, and spiritual learning, we are also addressing the mental health stressors brought on by life’s challenges facing today’s teens. We will be sending them out into the world with a well stocked Jewish “toolbox” to help them navigate and fix the world.
We are also excited to announce that our 11th and 12th graders will be going on a "big trip." After our RAC trip in Confirmation, we are not done learning and traveling together as a holy community. With Etgar36, we will be taking a trip that focuses on Civil Rights. We will learn about the struggles of African Americans to gain equality in the 1950s & 60s as well as discover how Jews were involved in the Civil Rights struggle. Cost:
Mon, March 24 2025 24 Adar 5785