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Our Funds

General Purpose Funds 

These funds can be used broadly to support Har HaShem in the current year.

  • Har HaShem’s Annual Campaign provides needed additional support for the congregation, increasing our impact upon our members and our community.

Discretionary Funds 

Many in our community contribute to discretionary funds to express gratitude, to support the synagogue in a way that aligns with our leaders’ goals, and as a way to remember our loved ones. These funds belong to Congregation Har HaShem but the gifts are allocated by members of our leadership team.

  • Board Discretionary Fund – to provide funding for Board initiatives not delineated in our annual budget, as well as leadership development opportunities for Board members.

  • Educator’s Discretionary Fund – to provide funding for special programming in our Youth and Adult Learning programs, and scholarships for learning opportunities for students and adults, at the discretion of the Director of Lifelong Learning.

  • Executive Director’s Discretionary Fund – to provide funding for new initiatives, leadership development, and other causes at the discretion of the Executive Director.

  • Rabbi Fred Greene’s Discretionary Fund – to support unfunded programs at Har HaShem and support appropriate organizations and individuals in need. Funds to be disbursed by Rabbi Fred Greene.

  • Rabbi Ruthie Gelfarb’s Discretionary Fund – to support unfunded programs at Har HaShem, to provide support to appropriate organizations and individuals in need. Funds to be disbursed by Rabbi Gelfarb.

  • Cantor Devorah Avery’s Discretionary Fund – to support unfunded music programs and initiatives to provide support to appropriate organizations and individuals in need. Funds are to be disbursed by Cantor Avery. 

  • Rabbi Deborah Bronstein Discretionary Fund – to support unfunded programs at Har HaShem, to provide support to appropriate organizations and individuals in need. Funds are to be disbursed by Rabbi Bronstein, our Rabbi Emerita.

To learn about our policy for the use of Discretionary Funds, click here.


Restricted Funds 

These funds do not turn over in a new fiscal year and have a restricted purpose. Naming opportunities are available. They are meaningful ways to support the congregation in areas not funded in our annual budget.

  • Bikkur Cholim Fund – to assist volunteers with purchasing food and supplies for members and their families in crisis. Funds are to be disbursed by a member of the clergy team with the Caring Committee Chairpeople.

  • Israel Partnership Fund – to advance stronger relationships between Congregation Har HaShem and Israel. Funds will be disbursed by the Rabbi or the Israel Committee.

  • Molly Snyder Landscape Fund – To beautify the Har HaShem grounds of our campus.

  • Noah Cohen Scholarship Fund – An award given to an outstanding Confirmation Student in memory of Noah Cohen, son of Nancy and Paul Cohen.

  • Oneg Sponsorship – support our congregation’s gathering after services, supporting our sense of community. Sponsoring an Oneg is a lovely way to make a Tzedakah offering to the community during a time of joy, celebration or remembrance. For $180, you can: 
    • Honor loved ones for their Birthday or Anniversary
    • Sponsor in memory or appreciation of someone special
    • Celebrate a special Lifecycle event
  • Prayer Book Fund – To purchase and repair prayer books. Minimum contributions for an inscribed bookplate:
    • Mishkan Tefila Prayerbook: $50 
    • Mishkan Tefila Large Print Set: $80
    • Mishkan HaNefesh High Holy Day Prayerbook Set: $70
    • Mishkan HaNefesh High Holy Day Prayerbook Set, Large Print: $118
  • Religious School Fund – to provide funding for new projects, programs and initiatives in the Youth Education Program, including scholarships for mentoring of our Bet Mitzvah students. Funds disbursed by the Director of Lifelong Learning.

  • Tikkun Olam/Social Action Fund – to advance social justice initiatives for the congregation or to make contributions to other non-profit organizations that advance the cause of justice in our community. Funds are to be disbursed by the Chair(s) of the Tikkun Olam Committee and Rabbi.

  • Torah Maintenance Fund – provides maintenance and upkeep of our Torah Scrolls and the ornaments related to them. Funds disbursed by Clergy.

  • Youth Scholarship Fund – to award scholarships, based on merit and/or need, to students so that they can attend teen/youth events and programs. Funds to be dispersed by the Director of Lifelong Learning.


These funds generate income to support the congregation. The principal of the fund is held in perpetuity.

  • Bachrach Family Endowment Fund – To fund an annual Symposium on Spirituality and the Environment

  • Campership Endowment – to provide financial assistance enabling families to participate in camp and other activities related to their Jewish education and experience where cost is a barrier to participation.

  • General Endowment – a fund that provides for the synagogue’s sustainable future. 

  • CARE (Cantor and Rabbi Endowment Fund) Endowment – The income from the Fund may be used to help pay the salaries and benefits of any on the clergy team. Income may also be used for professional development. 

  • Eileen Hirschfield Imerman Lansky Fund for Israel Experiences for Teens – to provide scholarship to students spending significant time in Israel on approved Israel experience program, such as JEWISHcolorado’s Israel Study Tour (IST), YALLAH Israel! (Reform movement), the Reform movement’s Heller High School in Israel, or others. The program needs to be approved and funds will be disbursed by the Rabbi and Director of Lifelong Learning. 

  • Special Project Endowment Fund – Fund shall be used for capital expenditures such as additional or replacement furnishings, or special emergency needs or projects not included in the normal operating budget of the congregation.

Mon, March 24 2025 24 Adar 5785