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Want to get involved?

Send an email to Lauren Park, our Tikkun Olam (social action) chair

Household Items Collections

Har HaShem partners with other organizations to collect household items for people moving from homelessness into a permanent housing situation. The needs are always changing, but include items like bedding, bath towels, trash cans, dishes, kitchen gadgets and small appliances, etc. Contact Home Ahead if you would like more information.

Thing of the Month

Har HaShem partners with different organization each month. We collect whatever item(s) the organization needs and deliver the items at the end of each month.

Blood Drive

In partnership with Congregation Bonai Shalom, Congregation Har HaShem hosts an annual Bonfils Blood Drive each year. Chaired by congregant volunteer Donna Werner, appointments are required in advance to donate blood. Call 720-308-8825 or email Donna for information.

Food Drives

Food collection bins are always available in the Congregation Har HaShem lobby to collect food for the less fortunate. Each year, more than 3,000 meals are donated to community organizations.

There is also an annual High Holy Days Food Drive and a frozen turkey collection before Thanksgiving.

Symposium on Spirituality and the Environment

Congregation Har HaShem hosts an Annual Symposium on Spirituality and the Environment. The Symposium focuses on bringing people together to explore perspectives on environmentalism from different faith traditions. 

Mitzvah Day

Our annual Mitzvah Day centers our social action work around a theme. The day begins in the morning with a learning session and continues after lunch with projects at a variety of organization's sites. Our partners include EFAA, Meals on Wheels, Bridge House, Sister Carmen, Community Food Share, and Boulder Homeless Shelter.

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785