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Legacy Society



Help secure Congregation Har HaShem’s future in your future.




Ordinary people can make extraordinary gifts to secure Har HaShem’s lasting impact upon our members, friends and community. Whether it’s a gift of stock, IRA rollover or beneficiary designation, real estate, life insurance policy or a gift in your will or trust, there are many simple ways to meet your goals, provide for your loved ones and leave a legacy for future generations.

If you have already made plans for a gift, we would like to thank you and recognize you, by name or anonymously, as a member of Har HaShem's Legacy Society. Please email to let us know.

If you have not made plans yet, there are many ways to support Har HaShem while receiving tax benefits for yourself, your family and your heirs. 

Here are ideas to consider for planning a gift to Har HaShem in the future. Consult your professional advisors to explore the advantages for your specific situation.

  • Designate Har Hashem as beneficiary of a percentage, a specific amount, or the entire benefit of your retirement account, life insurance policy, annuity or pension.
  • Make a gift in your will or trust.
  • Donate real estate or appreciated stock to Har HaShem.
  • Make a gift through a charitable trust or family foundation.

Join the 95 members who have made a commitment to ensuring Har HaShem's mission for future generations!

Complete this Declaration of Commitment. Or, for more information please contact

Download our Har HaShem Legacy Society Brochure (as of 3/23/2020 - for an updated list of members, see below)



  • 		                                </a>
		                                		                                <span class="blog_author">
		                                	Sara-Jane and Bill Cohen		                                </span>
		                                		                                <span class="blog_date">
		                                	Monday, Aug 30th		                                </span>
		                            <span class="slider_description"><p>Har HaShem has been the center of our Jewish life for almost 50 years.  We want to ensure that it will be here for the next generations —an open, welcoming, strong congregation that encourages us to deepen our knowledge and appreciation of our beautiful heritage and its core values, and be a community of support through the joys and challenges that each of us will surely face. <br>
-Sara-Jane and Bill Cohen</p></span>
		                            		                            		                            <a href="/legacy-testimonials.html?post_id=1245082" class="slider_link"
		                            	Read More		                            </a>
  • 		                                </a>
		                                		                                <span class="blog_author">
		                                	Jim and Susan Edelman		                                </span>
		                                		                                <span class="blog_date">
		                                	Friday, Aug 27th		                                </span>
		                            <span class="slider_description"><p>On our first Shabbat in Colorado, we were welcomed into the community of Har HaShem. Since then, our involvement with Har HaShem has grown, and our commitment has deepened. We want this community to thrive long after we are gone. Our legacy gift is our way of making that wish public. <br>
-Jim and Susan Edelman</p></span>
		                            		                            		                            <a href="/legacy-testimonials.html?post_id=1244341" class="slider_link"
		                            	Read More		                            </a>
  • 		                                </a>
		                                		                                <span class="blog_author">
		                                	Marc and Mindy Liebman		                                </span>
		                                		                                <span class="blog_date">
		                                	Friday, May 28th		                                </span>
		                            <span class="slider_description"><p>We are honored and blessed to make a legacy gift to our congregation. It allows our youth to partake in activities like summer camp, without concern about affordability, supporting their growth and participation in our congregation now and hopefully long into the future. Giving to Har HaShem in this way enables us to give back for what we have received from our community.<br>
-Marc and Mindy Liebman</p></span>
		                            		                            		                            <a href="/legacy-testimonials.html?post_id=1211655" class="slider_link"
		                            	Read More		                            </a>
  • 		                                </a>
		                                		                                <span class="blog_author">
		                                	Marianne Balin and Prudence Carter		                                </span>
		                                		                                <span class="blog_date">
		                                	Thursday, May 27th		                                </span>
		                            <span class="slider_description"><p>Our pledge of a Legacy gift to Har HaShem gives us confidence that Jewish life in Boulder will continue. This is our part in helping to ensure that our heritage endures from generation to generation.<br>
-Marianne Balin and Prudence Carter</p></span>
		                            		                            		                            <a href="/legacy-testimonials.html?post_id=1211374" class="slider_link"
		                            	Read More		                            </a>
  • 		                                </a>
		                                		                                <span class="blog_author">
		                                	Barbara Stern and Craig Balter		                                </span>
		                                		                                <span class="blog_date">
		                                	Wednesday, Aug 26th		                                </span>
		                            <span class="slider_description"><p>When we were asked to become a part of the Har HaShem Legacy program we joined because we believe in supporting community. Our synagogue membership over the years introduced us to many learning opportunities and people which have grown our commitment to Har HaShem and Judaism. By leaving a Legacy gift in our will, we hope that others will have similar opportunities after we are gone. <br>
- Barbara Stern and Craig Balter</p></span>
		                            		                            		                            <a href="/legacy-testimonials.html?post_id=1091945" class="slider_link"
		                            	Read More		                            </a>


                      We thank the current members of                          Har HaShem's Legacy Society 

David & Linda Bachrach

Roxanne Bailin

Marianne Balin & Prudence Carter

Holli Berman & Marcia Cotlar

Erik Bernstein

Jan Borstein & Rishi Kant

Rabbi Deborah Ruth Bronstein

Jeffrey and Jennifer Burak

Jeffrey and Ghita Carroll

Bill & Sara-Jane Cohen

Dorothy Cohen

Madeline Cohen & Stephen Freiburger

David Dunn

Susan & Jim Edelman

Sherry Feinbaum

Gary Fifer

Alyssa & Andrew Frank-Martin

Andy & Audrey Franklin

Elizabeth Freedman

Greg Frost

Alice Gansfield

Dick & Teri Golden

Jon & Mimi Goodman

Rabbi Fred & Deborah Greene

Michelle & Ira Greschler

The Hainline Family

Andrew Halperin & Brenda Burnell

Alan Halpern

Paige Hammer z"l

Kurt Heisler z"l

Bruce Henderson

Alan Hurst z"l

Ardee Imerman

Cynthia & Harvey z"l Jacobson

Melinda Kassen

Herb Kauvar z"l

Ron & Marijean Levin

Marc B. Liebman

Mindy J. Liebman

Rima Manas

Donald W. Margolis z"l

Gary Margolis

Lewis & Susan Miller

Alan Orman

Roberta Orman

Miriam Paisner

Lauren Park & family

Mark Abraham Peaceman

David Price & Dianne Glenn

Irene S. Rantz  z"l

Katherine Schwartz & Andrew Schultheiss

Cathleen and Joshua Shoenfeld

Jean & Dexter Simon

Jane Stein

Barbara Stern & Craig Balter

Judy z"l  & Norton z"Steuben  

Lauren & Joe Stewart

Roxanne Sugar

Karin Susskind & Jill Oliver

Barbara & Tom z"Trager

Alec Valk

Nancy A. Valk

Max Weiner

Mary Ann Wilner

David Zeitlin

Kellie Zell & Scott Peppet

Anonymous (8)

This page is meant as information only and not as legal or tax advice. Contact your legal and financial advisors to determine what makes the most sense for your circumstances.
Mon, March 24 2025 24 Adar 5785