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Shaul Magid and Basya Schechter Saturday Evening Sign-Up 2024

Saturday, March 2 at 7:00pm
Congregation Har HaShem North Building

Are we Heretics? Should we be?  

“Constructive Heresy: Hasidism, Neo-Hasidism, and Paradigm Shift Judaism.”


Judaism and Christianity were once both very engaged with the question of “heresy” or “religious deviance” as a way to define borders of normative religion. Today that language is less operational for a variety of reasons we will explore. But what is “heresy” today, does it have role to play, how do we define deviant Jewish behavior, or does pluralism enable us, perhaps compel us, to accept whatever a community decides is “Jewish”? We will discuss these and so other related matters in relation to Jewish normativity and deviance.

We'll enjoy appetizers and desserts before and during the lecture.

How many are attending?
Please let us know the names of everyone in your party. 

Har HaShem aims to include individuals of any age who may temporarily or permanently move, hear, see, touch, think, learn, communicate, process stimuli, and/or experience emotions differently.
If you need an accommodation to help you participate, please email  We’ll work to meet your needs.
Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784