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Request for Overnight Camp Scholarship Summer 2025

 ***MEMBERS, save yourself some time by logging in!
   Once you've logged in, begin typing and select your child's name in the box above the red arrow.

   The form will pre-fill some information from your account.

We are thrilled that your child is interested in attending Jewish overnight summer camp!

Har HaShem is committed to helping your child become a camper. While we have limited funds to distribute, we do want to help make it possible for you to be a camp family! Please use the following form to submit your request for scholarship.

Most camps require that you indicate the amount provided by the congregation before they will grant their own scholarships. We do not have a deadline to apply, but there are limited funds and we will begin looking at applications February 1.

 We will let you know the final amount we are able to award and send that amount directly to the camp to be applied towards your camp account.
Thank you and let us know if you have any questions!

Thank you so much for submitting you Request for Scholarship!

Please note that NO scholarships will be awarded prior to the beginning of our review date, February 1.

This is to ensure everyone needing aid has the opportunity to make their requests & receive fair consideration. 

All requests will be reviewed after the February 1.

Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785