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2025 CHHS Summer Camp Registration

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Camp Har HaShem Registration is Open!
Camp Har HaShem (CHHS) 2025 is right around the corner! We can't wait to see your kid at camp in June. We'll play games, prepare for Shabbat, hear stories, make cool crafts, dance, go on fun field trips to amazing places, and laugh!

This summer we will be offering two fantastic weeks of camp:
Session 1: JUNE 2-6 and
Session 2: JUNE 9-13
Sign up for one week, or both!

Our camp program begins each day at 9:00 am and concludes at 3:30 pm.

Member and Non-Member Pricing: $485 for one week, $900 for two weeks (a $70 savings!)

As we get closer to the start of camp be on the lookout for an email with important CHHS information - we can't wait to see you!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our awesome camp leaders, Leah Boonin and Caroline Saliman, at

Camp is for everybody, and because it is important to us that camp be an option for all families in our community, we have a scholarship program. Unfortunately, scholarship monies are limited.

If you are in need of financial assistance please fiill out THIS FORM.
Form needs to be completed prior to April 6th.

Please note that scholarship priority is given to Har HaShem families as membership dues help to underwrite our youth programs.
If you are a member of another congregation, please contact your home congregation for financial assistance first.

Please also note that we base CHHS activities and supplies on registration numbers. Therefore, there will be no refunds or credits issued if a camper attends only a partial week or decides not to attend without giving notice.
Har HaShem must be notified prior to May 13 in order to receive a refund on camp sessions.

Please tell us about any medications your children will take during camp -- even if he/she/they can take the medication independently, Har HaShem needs to know. 

If we may need to administer medication, please complete the form below, have it signed by your doctor and return it to the Har HaShem Lifelong Learning office or email to our Program Coordinator, Karli, at by May 20.

Medical Release Form

Har HaShem aims to create a safe, welcoming and productive environment for every child. Please share information that will help us do this for your child and family.

Har HaShem aims to include individuals who temporarily or permanently move, hear, see, touch, think, learn, communicate, process stimuli, and/or experience emotions differently. Our youth education programs welcome all children -- whatever distinct needs may be -- and we work toward creating meaningful, inclusive experiences for all.

If you have any information about your child's needs in a learning environment, including diagnosis, condition, educational or social concern, learning difference, challenge with behavior, or any other distinctions of which we should be aware, please indicate below. We will reach out to you for more information.

Child Insurance Information:


Har HaShem requires proof of immunization or an immunization medical exemption form for participation in any youth education program or event (school, youth group, camp, etc.). This requirement brings us into alignment with the Youth & Camping Programs of the Reform Movement.

While we are aware parents may choose to defer the vaccination of their children, we believe this is a public health issue, especially in the confined environment of a many of our programs, and discourage deferment for any but medical reasons. Therefore, all students and staff will be required to have age-appropriate vaccines recommended by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and the Center for Disease Control (CDC).

You will be asked to upload proof of immunization from a doctor or an Immunization Medical Exemption Form as part of the registration process. If your child cannot get vaccines because of medical reasons, you must submit a properly completed and signed official form in that field. This form must be completed and signed by your child’s medical doctor.

Har HaShem Wellness Understanding:

Immunization/Vaccination Uploads:

If and when a child requires medical attention, Har HaShem personnel will make every effort to reach a parent or guardian. If we are unable to reach a parent or guardian, the following instruction will remain in force unless revoked by the parent or guardian:

I hereby authorize Congregation Har HaShem or its authorized representative to call my child’s physician (or another physician) for necessary care for my child in case of emergency. I agree to pay all expenses incurred. This authorizations shall remain effective from June 1, 2025 – July 1, 2025

I further authorize Congregation Har HaShem or its authorized representative to consent to any x-ray examination, anesthetic, medical or surgical diagnoses or treatment and hospital care which is deemed advisable by, and is to be rendered under the general or special supervision of any licensed physician or surgeon, whether at the said physician’s office or licensed hospital. 

I give this authorization in advance of any specific examination, diagnosis, treatment or hospital care being required, and in order to provide authority and power on any and all such examinations, diagnoses, treatments or hospital care which the aforementioned physician in the exercise of his/her best judgment may deem advisable.

Parents and guardians, jointly and separately, release Congregation Har HaShem, its officers, agents, and employees from all liability for injuries, illness or property damage resulting from my family/child’s participation in Religious School and all Har HaShem sponsored activities and agree not to make any claim or demand against them for any or all losses or damages to student/family’s person or property. I have completed the above learning and medical information to the best of my knowledge. I have read all of the above and agree to abide by it.

By completing this registration, I hereby give consent for photographs, film, video or sound recordings to be taken of anyone in my family at Congregation Har HaShem or at a Congregation Har HaShem sponsored activity during the 2025 year (including 2025 summer activities as well), and I further consent that such photographs/recordings can be used in publications, promotional materials, news releases, film, video, websites or sound productions as directed and approved by Congregation Har HaShem.

If you do not wish for your child's image to be used, please indicate in writing by emailing Karli Atwell at by May 27.

Transportation Release

For field trips, the campers will be riding a school bus or RTD. I give permission for my child/children to ride the bus at all field trips. I understand that if I do not give consent, my child will not be able to participate in camp field trip days.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your camper's experience, please feel free to contact our Camp Directors, Caroline & Leah, at

We look forward to seeing you all!

Wed, March 12 2025 12 Adar 5785