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Ending Gun Violence



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We, the members of Congregation Har HaShem, affirm the sacred nature of human life and feel called to speak out and act when our blood or the blood of our neighbors is spilled. Aware of the continuing problem of gun violence in our state and country, we seek to give voice to all those who have been lost to gunfire, to their families and to their communities, and therefore endorse, as a congregation, the following statement:

We, as a member of Colorado Faith Communities United to End Gun Violence (CFCU), join and endorse the work of CFCU to promote legislation, policies and public programs designed to reduce the current levels of violence arising out of the improper use of firearms.

We call for the passage and preservation of common sense gun safety laws at the state and national level that will keep deadly firearms out of the hands of people who should not have them.

We call for a variety of public sector programs that help community leaders talk to their constituents about the costly and growing public health issue that gun violence has become, and how to deal with it.

And we call for more faith communities to join hands with us and the other members of Colorado Faith Communities United to End Gun Violence to raise our collective voice in a powerful and impassioned effort to build communities of peace.

Approved this day,
Board of Trustees
Congregation Har HaShem
Date: June 6, 2022
Mon, March 24 2025 24 Adar 5785