As we continue to imagine our future, and how we connect with the Jewish community, in Boulder County and beyond, we are deeply committed to fostering a community where everyone feels named, known, noticed, and needed. One that provides a robust offering of ways to connect, learn, worship, and engage, that aligns with HarHaShem’s mission and vision, and our strategic plan.
Our Guiding Principles
Uniquely Boulder, CO and Beyond
Jewish Values, History, and Legacy
A BIG Open & Safe Tent
Health, Wellness, & Justice for People and Planet
Long-Term Financial Sustainability
Place for Culture & Celebration
Stay Focused and Inclusive
We hope to create a beautiful space that allows us to gather together to celebrate, pray, learn, and socialize. As we plan, we continue to consider our guiding principles. Our campus today has significant shortcomings, including spaces that are hard to utilize, do not meet ADA compliance, and have security implications. After extensive exploration by the Building Our Future Task Force, we are moving forward with further developing the recommendation to renovate and expand the North Building, and exploring a sale of the South Building property to support a fraction of the project. The remaining amount will be through fundraising.
Where We Are Now
Josh Zapin, chair of the Building Our Future Task Force presented the full recommendation and preliminary (note this is preliminary and NOT final designs) footprint concepts during a town hall on February 9th.
To enlarge the presentation, click the three-dot menu and select "Enter Full Screen." Press the "esc" key to exit full screen.
If you missed that meeting, you can view the stream by clicking here.
We want to give a special thanks to our Building Our Future task force. They worked tirelessly to research feasibility, work with consultants to create preliminary designs, present ideas, and much more.
Committee Members:
Josh Zapin - Committee Chair, Aaron Schlechter, Amanda West, Dan Cohen, Rabbi Fred Greene, Jim Brantz, Melinda Kassen, Susan Rona
Project Updates
Follow a full account of our progress here.
- Message from Jim Edelman Announcing the End of Discussions with Bonai Shalom - Jan. 27, 2023
- Watch the recording of the Rabbinic Conversation with Rabbi Greene and Rabbi Marc - Jan. 12, 2023
- Resolution for Approval to Move the Congregation - Jan. 12, 2023
- Building Our Future - FAQs - Jan. 6. 2023
- Video of Conversation with Rabbi Greene - Dec. 14, 2022
- Update from Melinda Kassen, Taskforce chair - Oct. 21, 2022
- Building Our Future - FAQs - Oct. 1, 2022
- Announcement about Building Plans from Rabbi Greene and Jim Edelman, President - Aug. 26, 2022